Posts Tagged: sobriety

The thing that scares me most

I want to be a better person but I think I may have left it too late.  I keep coming back to this idea in my head. It is ‘the thing that scares me most’ right now. I think it

The thing that scares me most

I want to be a better person but I think I may have left it too late.  I keep coming back to this idea in my head. It is ‘the thing that scares me most’ right now. I think it

Letting go of expectations

Another disappointment in the world of work. Another interview for a job I didn’t get. Luckily the really interesting project I am currently working on has extended for 6 more months but it is temporary and doesn’t allow me to get back

Letting go of expectations

Another disappointment in the world of work. Another interview for a job I didn’t get. Luckily the really interesting project I am currently working on has extended for 6 more months but it is temporary and doesn’t allow me to get back

Sufjan Stevens – Carrie and Lowell

I’m rocking new albums by Sufjan Stevens and Wilco this week along with the Elliott Smith documentary Heaven Adores You. It all feels so 2005. I’ve given most ear time this week to Sufjan though. Carrie and Lowell is an album

Sufjan Stevens – Carrie and Lowell

I’m rocking new albums by Sufjan Stevens and Wilco this week along with the Elliott Smith documentary Heaven Adores You. It all feels so 2005. I’ve given most ear time this week to Sufjan though. Carrie and Lowell is an album

18 months

18 months today. I was hoping to have reached a point in my sobriety where I could say with some degree of confidence ‘okay, that’s done’ and then be able to move on. I have certainly arrived at a place

18 months

18 months today. I was hoping to have reached a point in my sobriety where I could say with some degree of confidence ‘okay, that’s done’ and then be able to move on. I have certainly arrived at a place

Day 500

Wow, who’d have thought it. Not me 501 days ago that’s for sure. I couldn’t stay sober for more than two days for decades. Ironically today I checked in to a nice Italian apartment hotel where the owner had a

Day 500

Wow, who’d have thought it. Not me 501 days ago that’s for sure. I couldn’t stay sober for more than two days for decades. Ironically today I checked in to a nice Italian apartment hotel where the owner had a

Sober conferencing

I’m going to a conference in Boston next week that attracts nearly 10,000 people from around the world. There is an ocean of free booze readily available at nearly all hours. I used to go every year and LOVE it.

Sober conferencing

I’m going to a conference in Boston next week that attracts nearly 10,000 people from around the world. There is an ocean of free booze readily available at nearly all hours. I used to go every year and LOVE it.

Addicted to Alcohol vs Being an Alcoholic

Yesterday I retweeted something that referred to recovery from alcoholism. My tweets are connected to my travel blog which my family can look at although they don’t much. It made me think twice about pressing the retweet button when I

Addicted to Alcohol vs Being an Alcoholic

Yesterday I retweeted something that referred to recovery from alcoholism. My tweets are connected to my travel blog which my family can look at although they don’t much. It made me think twice about pressing the retweet button when I


13 months sober – now what?

Feeling a bit of the “now whats” today. Here I am in Venice locked away in my hotel room playing scrabble and blogging. Sure, I’ve been out today – riding the vaporetto up and down the Grand Canal, strolling along


13 months sober – now what?

Feeling a bit of the “now whats” today. Here I am in Venice locked away in my hotel room playing scrabble and blogging. Sure, I’ve been out today – riding the vaporetto up and down the Grand Canal, strolling along

What the new me had instead

Travelling sober

I’m in Venice this evening. Barring a couple of trips to Ireland, this is my first venture overseas since I quit drinking. Various things were going on last year but the main reason I didn’t go abroad was because I

What the new me had instead

Travelling sober

I’m in Venice this evening. Barring a couple of trips to Ireland, this is my first venture overseas since I quit drinking. Various things were going on last year but the main reason I didn’t go abroad was because I

Something to be thankful for


I’ve been reading about ways to improve self-esteem and change negative thought patterns. Overall I think I am pretty good about seeing the positive in things and circumstances although perhaps less good about seeing the positive in me or believing in

Something to be thankful for


I’ve been reading about ways to improve self-esteem and change negative thought patterns. Overall I think I am pretty good about seeing the positive in things and circumstances although perhaps less good about seeing the positive in me or believing in